Helsingin Kuninkaantammi
Taidemaalarinkatu 6
00430 Helsinki
Asuntoja 58 kappaletta
Valmistunut vuonna 2018
Two wooden A-Kruunu apartment buildings were completed at Taidemaalarinkatu 6 in Kuninkaantammi in Helsinki in spring 2018. Rental accommodations are part of a research project comparing the features of wood and concrete construction in similar buildings in the planning and building phases, and when in use.
The unique project is part of the City of Helsinki’s Re-thinking Urban Housing programme aimed at making apartment living more attractive and flexible, with solutions geared for the individual. The study also includes a customer satisfaction survey examining possible differences in the living comfort in buildings made of wood and those made of concrete. The findings of the research were published in spring 2019.
Read more about the wood apartment buildings in Kuninkaantammi (in Finnish):
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