Helsingin Turumankatu 11 & Pojamankatu 10
- 49 homes
- 1–5 rooms + kitchen
Property maintenance: Kotikatu Laajasalo
- maintenance, cleaning, snow work
- moving and fault reports
- booking of sauna shifts
Customer support during weekdays 07.00am – 04.00pm
tel. 010 270 8420
On call duty 04:00pm – 07:00am
tel. 010 270 8888
Property Management
A-Kruunu Oy
Ilari Villanen
Puh. 0207207146
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.
Rent supervision
Tel. 0207 207 100
Mon–Fri 12:00–14:30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.
Customer service and parking spaces
Tel. 0207 207 100
Mon–Fri 12:00–14:30
Calling us costs the equivalent of the caller's mobile network or local network rate specified by their own operator.